about Us

The SNDCHECK experience is a musical event centered on the well-being of all participants.

It is an ideology centered on flexibility, imperfection and innovation at the heart of social activities, to reconnect people to themselves and to others.

What brings people together at a SNDCHECK event is the desire to create a welcoming, healthy and safe environment, both socially and artistically.

SNDCHECK was born out of our community and we no longer associating ourselves with the model
tradition of events, too often based on hierarchies of power, toxic and hypocritical, which prevented us from appreciating festive events for what they should be: a place of emancipation and well-being.


Not revealing the artistic program before SNDCHECK events promotes the discovery of new sounds for participants, and creativity for artists.

The surprise effect, open-mindedness and confidence in our artistic curation contribute to creating an environment conducive to the discovery of new emerging talents.