VCS Policy

Last update: May 2022


WHEREAS SNDCHECK is an organization that wants to create a healthy and safe space for all participants in its events

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Policy is established to prevent and combat sexual violence in the context of events organized by SNDCHECK


In this policy, and in any other rules of SNDCHECK, unless the context indicates a different meaning or the said rules provide a different definition, the following words mean:

“Sexual assault”: Sexual assault is an act of a sexual nature, with or without physical contact, committed by an individual without the consent of the person targeted or, in certain cases, through affective manipulation or blackmail. It is an act intended to subjugate another person to his or her own desires by an abuse of power, by the use of force or coercion or under implicit or explicit threat. A sexual assault violates fundamental rights, in particular the physical and psychological integrity and the security of the person.

“Consent”: Consent is an express, free and voluntary agreement by a person to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Consent is invalid in the following cases:

• When given by a third party;

• The person is unable to formulate it, in particular because he is intoxicated by alcohol or drugs or he is unconscious;

• The person's consent is obtained through an abuse of trust or power;

• The person manifests, by his words or his behavior, the absence of agreement to the activity;

• After having consented to the activity, the person manifests, by his words or his behavior, the absence of agreement to the pursuit of it;

• The person is dependent (financially for example) on his sexual partner;

"Sentinels" (or person(s) designated by SNDCHECK to occupy the function of direct interventions during specific SNDCHECK events for which they have been invited to assume these functions. ;

“Sexual violence”: Sexual violence is any form of violence committed through sexual practices or by targeting sexuality. This concept also covers any other misconduct that manifests itself, in particular by gestures, words, behaviors or attitudes with a sexual connotation that are unwanted or without consent, including those relating to sexual or gender diversity, expressed directly or indirectly, including by means technological. It includes, in particular, misconduct, harassment and cyber-harassment of a sexual nature and sexual assault.

This definition applies regardless of the age, sex, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or identity of the persons involved (victim or aggressor) and regardless of the type of gesture to be sexual character posed as well as the place in which it was made and whatever the nature of the link existing between the victim and the sexual aggressor.

“Participants”: This term defines all persons who are present or have purchased a ticket at a SNDCHECK event, as well as all persons who are on the premises of the event, regardless of whether they took part or not. , at the SNDCHECK event.

The policy applies to the following persons:

Participants in SNDCHECK events.

The purpose of this policy is to prevent and sanction sexual violence in the context of SNDCHECK's activities. All participants in SNDCHECK events undertake de facto to respect it and to act with respect and integrity for others.


The complaint will be directed to a sentry and if it is addressed to another participant, a member of the organization or a security officer of a SNDCHECK event, it must be reported to a sentry with the consent of the author of the complaint.

Sentinels guarantee the application of this policy.

The responsible person is responsible for the application of this policy.

5. Anyone wishing to transmit information, report or file a complaint or denunciation concerning a situation of sexual assault or sexual violence must contact a sentry.

However, for an emergency situation, a danger to the safety of a person or any situation requiring immediate intervention, the emergency services must be contacted immediately.

6. The sentries receiving a complaint or a denunciation welcome the person who wishes to report a situation (hereafter called the author of the complaint) and ensure active listening.

The sentinels, in collaboration with the author of the complaint, jointly determine the measures to be applied and the most appropriate intervention among the following:

a) Warning;

b) Intervention measures with the persons involved;

These measures can be modified, maintained or canceled throughout the process.

Once the appropriate interventions have been determined, the sentinels follow up with the author of the complaint to ensure that the interventions chosen are still relevant.

The sentries inform the author of the complaint when the necessary interventions are completed.

These measures can be modified, maintained or canceled throughout the process.

Before imposing a sanction, the sentinels collect the version of the facts from each of the people affected by the information or the complaint.

7. The author of the complaint must be informed of the conclusions of the process and when the necessary interventions are completed

8. The person targeted by the information or the complaint has no right to appeal the decision taken by the sentinels. By participating in events organized by SNDCHECK, she de facto accepts the authority of the organization to make decisions unilaterally.

9. Denunciations and complaints are treated confidentially. That said, sentries can disclose information regarding a denunciation or a complaint only in the following cases:

When the author of the complaint has given his consent;

When required as part of a police or judicial investigation;

When there is reasonable cause to believe that an imminent danger of death or serious injury threatens an identifiable person, group of persons or the application of this policy.


10. A person targeted by a complaint or a denunciation may be subject to one of the following sanctions:

Suspension of SNDCHECK activities

Definitive and perpetual ban from participating in SNDCHECK activities.

11. A person sanctioned by a permanent ban from participating in the activities cannot participate in any subsequent event.

No reimbursement of participation fees or monetary compensation will be granted to a person sanctioned by a suspension or a permanent ban from participating in the activities.

12. Sentinels maintain a register of persons who have been permanently banned from participating in SNDCHECK activities.

Persons mentioned in the register will be denied access to future events, regardless of whether they managed to obtain a ticket or not.

No refund or monetary compensation will be possible in this event.